Game Rant

Dakota Evans-Strategy Guide Writer

Dakota Evans

Strategy Guide Writer

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  • 136

About Dakota Evans

Dakota is a goofy goober, who often spends too much of his time at home in his room staring at bright lights.  When not gaming, working, or contemplating which superpower he wished he had, Dakota can be found writing music.

Industry Focus

Dakota covers all genres of games, but primarily plays Survival-Horror, Fighting, and FPS games like COD:Zombies.

Favorite Anime

Dragon Ball Z, Hellsing, Bleach

Proudest Gaming Achievement

Can do a kickflip in THPS 2.

Latest Articles

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Modern Warfare Zombies - How To Quickly Revive Teammates Without Perks

Quickly restore fallen allies on the battlefield of Modern Warfare Zombies, even without the Quick Revive Soda.

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Modern Warfare Zombies: Battle Pass Weapon Zombie Camo Challenges (Season 1)

Finishing all Zombies mastery can earn you completionist camo challenges for the Battle Pass Weapons in Modern Warfare Zombies.

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Modern Warfare 3: Battle Pass Weapon Camo Completionist Challenges (Season 1)

Unlock every camo for the Battle Pass weapons in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

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Tekken 8: Special Style Vs. Traditional, Which Layout Is Best?

Decide which play style best suits your needs in Tekken 8.

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Modern Warfare 3: Zombies - Storm The Castle Mission Walkthrough

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Modern Warfare 3: Zombies - Act 4 - Contact Mission List (& All Mission Rewards)

Enter the Dark Aether Rift and uncover the aether secrets that have been lost for generations in Modern Warfare Zombies.

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Modern Warfare 3 Zombies: All Zombies Weapon Camo Challenges

Unlock every mastery camo, calling card, and completionist charm in Modern Warfare 3: Zombies.

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Modern Warfare 3 - Dune: Trial Of Power Event Rewards (Sand & Spice Camo)

Prove yourself in the battle for Arrakis - unlock all ten rewards in the newest seasonal event in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

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Modern Warfare Zombies: All Perks and Effects

Modern Warfare introduces some new features to classic zombies perks in the open-world Urzikstan map.

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Modern Warfare 3 Zombies: Ghosted Mission Walkthrough (How to Get Kills in Aether Shroud)

Here's how MW3 Zombies players can quickly rack up kills while hidden by the Aether Shroud field upgrade and breeze through the Ghosted mission.

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Modern Warfare Zombies: Extraction Mission Walkthrough (Where to Find Dr. Jansen)

Bring Dr. Jansen in for questioning in the final mission of Act 1 of Modern Warfare Zombies.

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Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies: All Story Missions and Rewards

A compiled list of every mission from every act and the biggest rewards available to players in Modern Warfare Zombies.

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Modern Warfare 3: All Season 1 Battle Pass Rewards

Collect over 100 new rewards, including new weapons and operator skins in Season 1 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

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Modern Warfare 3: What Is BlackCell? (And Is It Worth The Money?)

Modern Warfare 3's first BlackCell Operator is here, but is it worth the extra cost to players?

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Modern Warfare 3: How To Resolve Season 1 Corrupted Data (Reason:NIAMEY-LOGAN Error Code)

Don't panic! Here's how to quickly resolve the NIAMEY-LOGAN error code in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

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Modern Warfare 3 - All Weapon Camo Challenges

Unlock every camo and earn every mastery charm and calling card in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

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Modern Warfare 3: Zombies - Tips for Completing the Escort Contract

Prepare to defend the ACV from special zombies while it destroys the aether voids in the Escort contract in Modern Warfare Zombies.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Season 0 Challenges (How to Get Golden River Camo)

Complete all four weekly brackets and claim the pre-season rewards, including the Golden River camo, in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

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Modern Warfare 3: Task Force 141 Training Week Challenges and Rewards (How To Unlock Soft Target Camo)

Unlock all 6 rewards and earn the Soft Target Camo in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's Task Force 141 Training Week event.

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Modern Warfare 3: Zombies - Essence of Aether Mission Walkthrough (All Essence Sample Locations)

Find all three essence containers scattered throughout Urzikstan and complete the Essence of Aether Mission in Modern Warfare Zombies.

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